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IMCA Continued Professional Development

In April 2020 the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) introduced the Continued Professional Development (CPD) program which allows offshore supervisors to maintain knowledge of industry best practice and to provide competency evidence. The CPD program comprises of a series of…

ADAS Photo Competition

Calling all photographers…  Do you have an eye for interesting photos?  Would you love to see your images in an ADAS calendar?  Then we need you! ADAS is looking for a collection of diving related photos that will become the…

ADAS Training in the UAE

The New Zealand based ADAS training facility, Subsea Training Centre (STC), recently conducted offshore diver training and assessment in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The course, which was undertaken in partnership with the UAE based segment of Archirodon Construction Group…

International News

In an ever-changing industry, there are always new developments and technologies available.  Tests in Australia of a new rebreather bailout system may be the face of one such change.  A deep diving rebreather, the Compact Bailout Rebreathing Apparatus (COBRA), which…

2017 Derek Craig Award

ADAS congratulates South Australia Police diver trainer, David Bacchus, who was announced as the recipient of the 2017 Derek Craig Award.  David, an ADAS trainer and member of the South Australia Police (SAPOL) Water Operations unit, was announced as the…

S4 Drugs Administration Changes

Western Australia based Diver Medical Technician (DMTs) may now require a National Police Clearance to administer some medications. Changes to Western Australian drug administration guidelines highlight the need to ensure your organisation is up-to-date with state-based requirements and changes to…

ADAS “Crossover” Process

International divers hoping to meet ADAS Part 2 or Part 3 requirements, also need to demonstrate SCUBA qualifications. ADAS currently has agreements in place with six international diving organisations, which allows ADAS divers to apply for employment overseas. The agreements…

Cal Dive’s Barrow Island Project Completed

Three year long project comes to a close. On Wednesday 11th March Cal Dive demobilised the final vessel and dive team from the Barrow Island LNG jetty project after three years and eight months supporting construction work on the challenging…

ADAS Continues to Provide Opportunities

One of ADAS’ major purposes is the continual strive to not only improve diver safety but also to provide opportunities for ADAS card holders in Australia and internationally. This includes creating partnerships with international organisations so ADAS card holders can…

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