In ADAS news, we are excited to release the updated Revision Modules in ADAS Online, which are publicly available for anyone who wants to brush up their skills to enter the diving industry or further their career.
ADAS and ADAS schools are now checking all certifications issued by the Department of Employment and Labour for expiration dates that comply with the new registration and revalidation requirements.
There has been an increase in medicals issued by doctors who are not qualified to issue occupational diver medicals. It is important that hyperbaric workers ensure their doctor is properly qualified.
Two safety events have been reported in recent IMCA Safety Flashes, and two case studies have been published. The United States Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) has published a Safety Alert relating to heat related illnesses offshore.
IMCA is expanding the availability of its popular Diving Supervisor Continuing Professional Development (CPD) app to Trainee Offshore Air and Bell Diving Supervisors (TOSA and TOSB).