ADAS has four online sites for different purposes to assist both learners and trainers. These include content such as revision material, self-testing, and online materials and support for trainers. The main sites are:
- ADAS Public Online Learning Site – free revision material and self-testing resources, open to the public
- ADAS Portal – teaching resources and administration, for ADAS trainers only
- ADAS Exam bank – assessment database and examination records, for ADAS students and trainers only
- ADAS WHS Certificate – provides skills and knowledge relevant to onshore diving work classified as “general diving”. This course is designed primarily for divers who hold a AS4005.2 qualification and wish to comply with the new requirements from SafeWork NSW. Find out more about the WHS Certificate here
Each site has separate accounts and logins, and details for each site can be found below or on the site itself.
ADAS Public Online Learning Site
This site contains revision courses and English language, literacy and numeracy resources and testing available to anyone interested in the diving or hyperbaric operations field.
This site is completely open and people can create an account without requiring approval and without any fees or charges. Resources found within this site include:
- ADAS Online Revision Modules this site also includes a series of self help learning sites for prospective students or trained divers and supervisors to brush up on their skills on core topics:
- Diver Physics
- Diver Physiology and Illnesses
- Decompression Tables
- Onshore Supervisor Physics and Calculations
- Onshore Legislation
- Offshore Legislation
- Risk Assessment
- LLN (Language, literacy and numeracy) testing required for all diving course applicants
- WELL (English language, literacy and numeracy) support resources
- Foundation Testing Skills required for supervisor course applicants
ADAS Portal
The ADAS Portal has information for ADAS Accredited Training Establishments and trainers. People from these organisations need to contact ADAS for access to the portal.
ADAS Exam Bank
The ADAS Exam bank is used by ADAS and ADAS Accredited Training Establishments to access and record theoretical assessment results. Access to this site is restricted to ADAS students and trainers. Your ADAS instructor will assist you in accessing the exam bank during your course.
Please contact ADAS if you need more information about any of the online resources available.