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Offshore Worker Mental Health Survey

In an effort to understand and develop support for mental health issues affecting offshore workers, especially those affected by COVID-19, a tripartite Mental Health Working Group (MHWG) has worked with two major Australian universities to develop a mental health survey…

Safety First Sign


This issue we share four Safety Events reported by the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA), including valuable lessons learnt from a real time recovery of an incapacitated diver from a wet bell; and a NOPSEMA Safety Alert relating to a…

WHS Certificate Now Available

The ADAS WHS Certificate aims to provide skills and knowledge relevant to onshore diving work classified as “general diving” – that is, diving work not deemed “high risk” in nature. Under the Model Work Health and Safety (WHS) Regulations (Part 4.8 Diving…

Review of Model Regulations

The Australian model Work Health and Safety Regulations for diving work are currently under review and Safe Work Australia is now taking submissions of public comment. Since the decision to conduct the review in 2015, Safe Work has distributed a…

New Zealand Industry Advisory Group Formed

A Diving Industry Advisory Group (DIAG), has been formed in New Zealand to identify and reduce incidences of preventable injury through improved communications between the occupational diving sector and the regulator, WorkSafe New Zealand. The new advisory group has been…


Safety Alerts

­Work Safe Victoria, NOPSEMA and IMCA have recently released safety alerts relating to occupational diving incidents. WorkSafe Victoria WorkSafe Victoria, issued a Hyperbaric Chambers Safety Alert in response to a serious incident which occurred earlier this year during the operation…

Kirby Morgan Dive Systems Bulletin

A recent incident, where a diver’s helmet locking pin opened after being caught in a harness, highlights how changes to Kirby Morgan helmets can improve safety. In 2012, Kirby Morgan released a pull pin sleeve kit to help prevent the…


What’s new in safety

News from NOPSEMA NOPSEMA has recently released a new Diving Project Plan (DPP) Concordance table to assist diving contractors seeking approval of DPPs and operators for diving projects in their review and approval of DPPs. For further information and access…

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