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ADAS Nitrox Program

Work continues on the ADAS Nitrox program with courses expected to be available in early 2020. The ADAS Nitrox program which was first introduced in the May 2019 ADAS newsletter continues to be developed.  Recent industry consultation aided the development…

Supervisor Diploma Pathway

ADAS has developed a process which allows ADAS onshore supervisors who hold a partial Diploma of Hyperbaric Operations (Diving supervision) to gain a full Diploma by completing a program consisting of logged on-the-job experience and online learning in conjunction with…

ADAS Simulators

Two ADAS diving supervisor training simulators continue to be available for existing and prospective diving supervisors to undertake training, verification of competency, or panel time. Since the introduction of the ADAS Diving Supervisor Training Simulators in late 2010, the diving…

Pearl Diver Fatality Coronial Findings

In April 2012 a drift diver, Jarrod Hampton, died after undertaking routine drift diving work to collect pearl oysters.  Jarrod’s death has been investigated by authorities since that time with the Western Australia Coroner’s court releasing its findings in February…


IMCA Resilience Awareness Program

The International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) launched a Resilience Awareness Program in January 2018 which is tailored for people in the marine contracting industry and aims to assist organisations and individuals to cope with challenging issues and to build resilience…

ADAS Assistance to TUCT Students

Since the unexpected closure of The Underwater Centre Tasmania (TUCT) in September 2017, ADAS has been working hard to provide both financial and training assistance to students who were adversely affected by the closure.  ADAS is happy to share that…

ADAS Applications

Updating personal details and completing application forms are tasks that all ADAS certificate holders will encounter at some stage in their careers. ADAS gives some advice about how to ensure both these areas run as smoothly as possible when the…

New ADAS Schools

ADAS is excited to share news of a new Accredited Training Establishment for Diver Medical Technician training in Western Australia, and the recent establishment of training facilities in Tasmania and Singapore. Diver Medical Technician School Medical Training Solutions (MTS) based…

The Underwater Centre Tasmania Closes

ADAS has been informed that The Underwater Centre Tasmania Pty Ltd (TUCT) has been placed in liquidation.  TUCT, as an independent business, is one of the ADAS accredited training establishments that recommends students to ADAS for certification. Certifications and renewals…

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