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ADAS Course Re-Accreditation

ADAS is currently reviewing its accredited courses and you have an opportunity to have your say.

The full suite of ADAS accredited courses are currently being reviewed in order to apply for re-accreditation with the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) in early 2021.  Part of this process is to gain input from ADAS certification holders regarding ADAS courses, to do this there will be a survey sent out in the New Year with a particular focus on training and assessment strategies. We value your input, so please take the time to fill it out and contribute to continuous improvement of the ADAS courses.

Please contact ADAS if you would like to be involved in a more in-depth review of the current accredited course units or the related training and assessment strategies. While the diving unit content is set by both Australian Standards and the international reciprocal recognition arrangements, there are opportunities for input into new specialisations or the remotely operated vehicle, chamber system, hyperbaric tunnelling and rescue and recovery specialisations.

If you would like more information about the course re-accreditation please contact Bronwen Campbell on or send an enquiry via the contact page on the ADAS website.

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