ADAS is excited to announce that our new Offshore Air Divers Task Book will be launched early 2025, and we share the latest updates on ADAS Activities.
ADAS School Wins Excellence Award
Congratulations to the Commercial Dive Academy (CDA) on winning the Excellence in Export category in the 2021 Tasplan Business Excellence awards.
In March, Tasmanian based ADAS school, the Commercial Dive Academy (CDA), won the Excellence in Export category in the annual Tasplan Excellence in Business awards. This award recognises companies with outstanding business excellence and which “create and/or develop export opportunities, that develop new export avenues and facilitate export businesses to develop their markets.”*

CDA has worked tirelessly in the years since it began ADAS training and assessment to ensure that its courses are available to people from all around the world. This includes submitting exemption requests to the Tasmanian Government to allow international students to enter the state for training purposes during COVID-19 travel restrictions.
ADAS congratulates the Commercial Dive Academy on this very well-deserved achievement!