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IMCA Updates

New and updated documentation is now available to download from IMCA on a range of topics including the International Code of Practice for offshore diving; guidance on prevention and mitigation of lost bell emergencies; and protection of water intake points for diver safety.

IMCA Updates

IMCA has published two new Guidance documents: the first provides information and guidance on the provision, acceptance and handling of breathing gases for diving, the second on protecting divers during underwater excavations. Additionally, IMCA Contractor Members are invited to submit Safety Statistics for 2022.
Rubber Stamp Graphic

International Updates – IDRCF Meets, South African Certifications Update

After two years of virtual remote meetings due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the IDRCF and EDTC were able to meet face-to-face again in September 2022 in Marseille, France. In other news, the South African Department of Labour (SADOL) has introduced a legal requirement for commercial diving personnel to register with SADOL and revalidate that registration every four years.

WHS Certificate Now Available

The ADAS WHS Certificate aims to provide skills and knowledge relevant to onshore diving work classified as “general diving” – that is, diving work not deemed “high risk” in nature. Under the Model Work Health and Safety (WHS) Regulations (Part 4.8 Diving…

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