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IMCA Update

Jane Bugler of IMCA has provided the following information regarding IMCA systems.

imcaUnderwater Lifting and Rigging

IMCA has an active workgroup developing guidance on underwater rigging and lifting which is intended to complement IMCA’s offshore lifting operations guidance.  The workgroup is working with the IMCA Crane & Winch Operations workgroup who is now updating its guidance M187 – Guidance on lifting operations.  Although originally it was intended to produce a separate diving document on lifting, since the review of IMCA M 187 is now underway, it is proposed that M187 is updated to include more detailed guidance on underwater rigging and lifting.


Air-lift Bags

IMCA is finalising an update of its guidance D 016 underwater air lift bags.  The document has been given a new title – Open parachute type underwater air lift bags. The updated draft document has been prepared by IMCA, in conjunction with members of the Diving Division and IMCA’s Diving Division Management Committee. The text has been widely updated to encompass the following:

  • Major revisions to those sections dealing with the use of inverter lines and hold-back rigging
  • Major revision to diagrams
  • Some small editorial updates

Online Forum

IMCA has developed an online forum for general discussions between members and the various IMCA sections and providing the facility for IMCA draft document reviews and comments.

IMCA Offshore Diving Supervisor and Life Support Technician (LST) Schemes

The new exam bank of questions for the air diving supervisor exam is now in use and has been since the beginning of the year.  Work has started on developing questions for the bell diving supervisor and LST exams.

Lithium Batteries in Saturation Diving Chambers

IMCA is currently finalising  some research on the use of lithium batteries in saturation.  A hazard identification workshop was held with results incorporated in the research report.  It is anticipated that IMCA will be able to update its guidance on the use of lithium batteries in saturation diving chambers as a result of this work.

Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) in Diving Systems

IMCA ran a workshop on PLCs in diving systems.  IMCA is now considering how best to progress this but is currently considering developing some guidance on this topic.

Please go to the IMCA website for more information about IMCA and its systems.

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