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ADAS Training Updates

To help meet industry needs, a number of ADAS training courses are currently being developed which includes a free online revision module focussed on supervisor physics.

The courses in development aim to provide easier access to training which meets the requirements of the Australian / New Zealand Standard 2299.1 Occupational diving operations, and also to provide opportunities for continuing study with ADAS training facilities.

Supervisor Physics Revision Module

The ADAS Online Learning site currently houses a number of free revision modules which are available for anyone to complete, whether they want to refresh past learning or to prepare for future training with an ADAS school.  The suite of modules includes:

  • Diver physics
  • Diver physiology and illnesses
  • Decompression tables
  • Australian legislation (both onshore and offshore)
  • Risk assessment
  • Onshore supervisor physics

Version 2.0 of the physics for onshore supervisors module is currently under development and will be made available to all users in the coming months.  This module contains the slightly higher level of physics and calculations that supervisors will need.

More information about the online revision modules can be found on the ADAS Online Sites page of the ADAS website.

First Aid

An ADAS First Aid course is currently being developed and will soon be available at some ADAS accredited training establishments.  The course will meet the First Aid requirements within the AS/NZS 2299.1 Standard meaning that people who complete this training can be assured they also meet requirements in the Standard.  This is a question which is often asked of ADAS with people being unsure if the First Aid training they receive is appropriate and acceptable.

An update will be provided via this newsletter when the course is available.

Nitrox Diver and Supervisor

Currently divers are able to gain an ADAS Nitrox endorsement by undertaking recreational diving Nitrox courses.  Due to future changes in the AS 2815 training Standards and the introduction of Nitrox requirements in the Australian New Zealand Standards 2299.1, recreational Nitrox training and certification may no longer meet the training required for commercial divers.  To fill this gap, ADAS is developing a Nitrox diver training course which fully complies with the AS 2815 training Standard.  A Nitrox supervisor training course is also being developed which will allow people to gain an ADAS Nitrox Supervisor endorsement – this is currently not possible with existing recreational Nitrox training.

An update will be provided via this newsletter when the courses are available.

Verification of Competency

Many offshore divers and supervisors will be aware that contractors often require regular Verification of Competency (VOC) to be undertaken by teams in order to maintain or demonstrate their knowledge and skill.  ADAS has established a standardised VOC program which can be utilised by contractors in order to meet these requirements.  The programs are conducted by ADAS Accredited Training Establishments (ATEs) on an as-needs basis, with the ATEs liaising directly with contractors to determine the type of program required.  The programs can be undertaken at most locations or on vessels.  Standardised competency sets and assessment tools are used for the assessment which is undertaken by skilled assessors.  Successful completion of an ADAS VOC program results in participants gaining an ADAS VOC certificate.  It should be noted however that these programs are for trained personnel and do not replace initial training in the discipline being assessed.

For more information about the VOC program, contact ADAS.



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