In ADAS news, we are excited to release the updated Revision Modules in ADAS Online, which are publicly available for anyone who wants to brush up their skills to enter the diving industry or further their career.
ADAS Course Reaccreditation
ADAS is very happy to announce the reaccreditation of its Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualifications with the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA). The reaccreditation is the outcome of 18 months of industry consultation and planning, and gives ADAS courses status as Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) until 2021.
Reaccreditation of ADAS courses allows ADAS members to gain recognition of their training under the Australian Quality Framework (AQF) with some units potentially providing credit towards other nationally recognised qualfications.
While the content of ADAS courses has not changed significantly, the VET qualifications have been streamlined. There is now one Certificate IV and one Diploma VET qualification, and several “specialisations” within those qualifications. This approach has been adopted to cater for the variety of specialisations within the hyperbaric industries.
The successful completion of all the units of competency required within the Certificate IV or Diploma qualifications will result in an AQF certificate being issued. This VET certificate will show the title of the VET qualification and the specialisation that has been completed.
The successful completion of some units in the Certificate IV or Diploma qualification will result in “partial completion” of that qualification and a Statement of Attainment being issued. This statement will show all the units that were successfully completed as part of the course undertaken and will act as a basis for people to undertake further training to gain a full qualification if they choose to.
It’s important to note that some ADAS courses which resulted in a VET qualification in the past may now be partial completion of a VET qualification and will lead to a Statement of Attainment rather than an AQF certificate being issued. If you’re interested in undertaking any ADAS training, it’s best to check the ADAS website for that particular training to find out what level of qualification or Statement of Attainment is associated with that particular course.
More information about the ADAS VET qualifications can be found on the AQF/VET Qualifications page of the ADAS website.
Information about individual training courses can be found on the Training Courses page of the ADAS website.