ADAS is excited to announce that our new Offshore Air Divers Task Book will be launched early 2025, and we share the latest updates on ADAS Activities.
Change to ADAS certification fees
At a recent meeting of the ADAS Board of Directors, the decision was made to increase ADAS certification fees by 20%.
In ADAS’ twenty year history, the price of ADAS certification fees has only increased once, which occurred in 2008. Since then, all certification and renewal fees have remained the same while the Australian Consumer Price Index (CPI) has increased by a total of 46%.
The basic running costs of maintaining the organisation and delivering services to our certification holders have steadily increased alongside the CPI. This has caused significant pressure on ADAS and threatens the organisation’s financial viability in the mid- to long-term.
To ensure ADAS can continue to deliver licensing, accreditation and professional services to divers, training schools and hyperbaric professionals, the ADAS Board recently elected to increase all certification fees by 20%, which will be implemented from the 3rd of January 2023. For most certification holders, this is an increase of between $60-$70.
The 20% increase will also apply to all ADAS products and services including logbooks, replacement cards and license crossovers.
Please contact us if you have any questions about the increase in fees.