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Verifying ADAS Cards

Employers and contractors are reminded to always read both sides of ADAS cards to check the certifications of the card holder, and submit verification enquires to ADAS by email.

Verification Requests

ADAS encourages contractors to contact us in order to verify the authenticity of ADAS certifications. While the vast majority of ADAS certification holders are genuine, there has been an increase in forgeries over the last year which have been discovered by contractors requesting verification of certifications.

Certificate and card verifications can be requested from employers and contractors by submitting an email to ADAS. Send your email to and:

  • Ensure the email is sent from your business account – we will not provide any information to individuals without a business email address
  • Include the front and back of the ADAS card
  • Include details of the card holder i.e., name, date of birth, ADAS certifications held


ADAS card front


ADAS card back with border

Checking ADAS Cards

When viewing an ADAS card, always check both sides of the card to see all relevant details about the person and the certifications they hold.

As indicated in red on the images at left, the front of an ADAS card displays the card holders photograph, personal details, card expiry date and certification type.

The back, or reverse, of an ADAS card displays the card holder’s name, specific certifications held, any endorsements held, and the card expiry date.

More information about the details on ADAS cards can be viewed here.

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