ADAS is excited to announce that our new Offshore Air Divers Task Book will be launched early 2025, and we share the latest updates on ADAS Activities.
Offshore Safety Review
The Australian Commonwealth Government’s Department of Industry, Innovation and Science (DIIS) is currently undertaking a review of Occupational Health and Safety for offshore petroleum workers in Australian waters.
Part of this review included a consultation process in the form of workshops held in Melbourne and Perth with the ADAS Executive Director, Rob Gatt, and Training Manager, Bronwen Campbell attending and participating in the Melbourne workshop and the Chairman of the ADAS Board, Ian Milliner attending in Perth.
The DIIS intends to implement the outcomes of the review in 2020 and welcomes and encourages anyone involved in this industry to provide input during the public consultation stage of the process.
More information about the review process, workshop reports, and how to provide input can be found on the Offshore Petroleum Safety Regime Review page of the DIIS website.