Six safety incidents have been reported in recent IMCA Safety Flashes.
Immersion Pulmonary Oedema Diving Incident
During police diver refresher training conducted in early 2019, a diver suffered Immersion Pulmonary Oedema (IPO) which resulted in hospitalisation and hyperbaric treatment.
The diver involved in the incident is an experienced ADAS Part 3 (SSBA to 50m) police diver who has previously undertaken dive tasks at the site without issue. During ascent from a 42 metre dive, the diver developed a minor cough at six metres which worsened during the remainder of the ascent.
Quick action by fellow divers and supervisors meant the diver gained medical treatment immediately at the site and was later transferred to a hyperbaric facility for overnight treatment and observation.
A full IPO Incident Debrief has been provided by David Bacchus of the South Australia Police Water Operations Unit in the hope of increasing diver and supervisor awareness of the risks of Immersion Pulmonary Oedema.