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The Australian and New Zealand Standard 2299.1 requires that all occupational diving operations (including chamber dives) are supervised by a supervisor who has been:

  • A diver (noting that they do not need to be medically fit to dive, provided that a level of fitness required for the responsibilities undertaken is maintained)
  • Trained in accordance with AS 2815.5 for supervision of the type of diving operation being conducted and holding a certificate to that effect
  • Experienced in the diving techniques which may be used, and in the equipment and procedures used in the diving operations to be performed
  • Appointed in writing by the diver’s employer to supervise diving operations
  • Trained in first aid including the recognition and first aid management of diving related medical problems, and communicating findings to medical support.

AS 2815.5 details the competencies a supervisor must demonstrate in regard to:

  • The role of the dive supervisor
  • Implementing and monitoring occupational health and safety programs
  • Diving physics, physiology and associated calculations
  • Managing diving illnesses and medical emergencies
  • Managing risk associated with dive operations
  • Planning dive operations
  • Conducting dive operations
  • Plant, equipment and maintenance procedures
  • Managing people
  • Supervising the use of tools in a dive operation
  • Supervising on-site chamber operations
  • Supervising wet bell diving operations.

Onshore Supervisor Training and Assessment

Divers may apply to undertake a formal ADAS onshore supervisor training at an ADAS Accredited Training Establishment (ATE). The Australian Standard AS 2815.5 requires that applicants meet the following criteria:

  • Be in possession of a valid workplace first aid certificate including CPR and Oxygen Administration
  • Be trained as a diver to a level equal to or exceeding that specified in AS 2815.1, AS 2815.2, AS 2815.3 or AS 2815.4, as appropriate, and shall have a certificate to that effect issued by the Australian Diver Accreditation Scheme (ADAS)
  • Be able to demonstrate sufficient maturity, leadership and management skills through supply of a letter of suitability for training as a dive supervisor provided by a recognized diving employer
  • Demonstrate sufficient operational experience over a range of diving operations, environments, tasks and equipment representative of those likely to be supervised in the future.

As a minimum, the trainee should present logged evidence of operational experience as follows:

  • SCUBA to 30m (Part 1) dive supervisor: 100 logged SCUBA dives and 100 hours of logged bottom time on SCUBA gained over at least 12 months
  • SSBA to 30m (Part 2) dive supervisor: 200 logged SSBA dives and 200 hours of logged bottom time on SSBA gained over at least two years
  • SSBA to 50m (Part 3) dive supervisor: 200 logged dives and 200 hours logged bottom time during occupational dives that include a broad range of high complexity dives involving decompression diving, deep diving (deeper than 40m), dives involving compression chambers and additional specialist equipment such as hot water suits, ancillary service equipment and wet bells, gained over at least two years.

It is desirable that the trainee’s experience include experience in supervisory tasks, such as panel operation, gained under the oversight of a qualified dive supervisor. A certificate of medical fitness to dive in accordance with AS/NZS 2299.1 is preferable but not essential.

The ADAS Aquaculture supervisor qualification is specific for the seafood industry, based on that industry’s particular constraints and needs.  The prerequisites for the Aquaculture supervisor qualification recognise that the industry carries out a limited range of diving operations confined to seafood pens.

ADAS Certificate of Competency (Licence)

ADAS will issue successful applicants with a licence as a diving supervisor. The qualification will be based on the candidates ability to meet the relevant selection criteria and demonstrate competence at the required level.

ADAS supervisor qualifications are:

  • Aquarium supervisor
  • Occupational SCUBA to 30m (Part 1)
  • SSBA to 30m (Part 2)
  • SSBA to 50m (Part 3)
  • Aquaculture supervisor to 30m

Supervisor certifications are valid for a period of five years.  At the end of that time diving supervisors may apply to ADAS to renew their licence.

Vocational Education & Training (VET) Qualification

Accreditation as an ADAS diving supervisor is recognised under the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF), and a Diploma of Hyperbaric Operations – Dive Supervisor VET certificate will be issued by ADAS together with the ADAS licence. 

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