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ADAS Updates September 2024

In ADAS news, we share our latest Strategic Plan; information on our student surveys; and requirements for student diver medicals. We also share internal staff updates and highlights from the annual ADAS Accredited Training Establishment (ATE) meeting held in Melbourne during August.

ADAS Strategic Plan

The Strategic Plan defines ADAS’ direction, activities and tasks over the next five years. This Plan recognises the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism (currently the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science) as a fundamental input to the function of ADAS.

The Strategic Plan also defines ADAS’ direction, approach and pursuits in wider occupational diving activities, such as construction and engineering industries, law enforcement, the scientific community and military applications.

The 2024-2029 Strategic Plan was recently approved by the ADAS Board of Directors and is available through the ADAS website.

Click here to view the Plan.


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Student Surveys – Your Feedback Matters

ADAS conducts surveys of all students who take part in courses at our Accredited Training Establishments (ATEs), including new students and divers returning to ADAS schools to upgrade or refresh their certifications. So, if you have recently completed training, expect to hear from us.

Your feedback is very important to ADAS and the ADAS schools, as it helps us to understand what’s going well and what needs improvement. ADAS will contact you by phone or by email – we’re looking forward to hearing your feedback about your training experience.


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Diver Medical Verification

Students undertaking ADAS courses must pass an initial occupational dive medical examination in compliance with the requirements of AS/NZS 2299.1, and provide a copy of the dive medical to the ADAS school they are enrolled with

The examination is to be carried out by doctor specifically trained in underwater medicine to ensure you are medically fit to dive.

Students who reside outside of Australia must supply a diver medical certificate which has been created using the template provided in the AS/NZS 2299.1 Standard. Students preparing to undertake an ADAS course can contact their school for a copy of the template to be completed by their selected doctor.

Find out more about the requirements of Medical Fitness to Dive


ADAS Activities


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Internal Staff Changes

There have been several changes of staff in the ADAS office in the past month, and as a result some services may experience slight delays, including license renewal and crossover applications.

Please contact us if you have questions about the timeframe for your application.


Internal and External Stakeholder Engagement and Participation

  • Standards Australia participation: ten technical committee meetings for SF20 and one meeting for SF17.
  • ADAS Board of Directors: Annual face-to-face meeting in August, following the ATE Meeting in Melbourne. Three working group meetings.

Quality assurance May – August 2024

Desktop audits: Three finalised.

  • These are audits of completed student training records against ADAS course requirements to ensure compliance with ADAS and AS 2815.

Phone and email post-course surveys: 122 students contacted; 46 responses received.

  • All students are contacted after their training is completed to allow them to provide feedback on ADAS courses, trainers, and training facilities.

ADAS Accredited Training Establishment (ATE) support

ATE Meeting: Two-day face-to-face conference in Melbourne. Highlights included:

  • A WHS regulator round table session to discuss Regulations in each jurisdiction.
  • Presentation from Les Cameron, Worksafe Victoria, covering a general introduction to the legislative and regulatory framework around occupational diving in Victoria, a case of employer malpractice and a case study of the HUET training / OPITO standards.
  • In-depth discussions of Training Processes including practical training and exams.
  • Updates from international certifying agencies and Standards Australia committees.
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