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ADAS Diving Supervisor Simulator

ADAS diving supervisor simulators help students meet critical competency requirements.


The ADAS diving supervisor simulators, which were a world first development by ADAS in 2011, are now available for use by diving supervisors who either need to gain panel hours toward their certification or who want to ensure their knowledge and skills are up-to-date.

Currently, one simulator is located in Sydney with the Professional Divers Training Academy (PDTA) and the other may soon be available at a location in Western Australia.

PDTA has leased the ADAS diving supervisor simulator to assist in the training of occupational diving supervisors and has recently relocated the simulator to PDTA’s Sydney occupational diver training facility in Banksmeadow. The simulator was used on the most recent course, with students having the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to deal with real time emergencies and issues in the simulated environment. PDTA will be using the simulator for supervisor training and assessment at their base in Sydney and are offering onshore diving supervisor training using the simulator for part of the training, on a bi-monthly basis from this facility.

Remember, every hour spent training in the simulator is considered as two hours of off shore time for either Offshore Air or Closed Bell supervisors seeking accreditation through either the Australian, Canadian or IMCA systems.

Contact for further details.

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