ADAS is excited to announce that our new Offshore Air Divers Task Book will be launched early 2025, and we share the latest updates on ADAS Activities.
ADAS “Crossover” Process
International divers hoping to meet ADAS Part 2 or Part 3 requirements, also need to demonstrate SCUBA qualifications.
ADAS currently has agreements in place with six international diving organisations, which allows ADAS divers to apply for employment overseas. The agreements also allow suitably qualified and trained international divers or supervisors to apply for ADAS certification. International divers are able to apply directly to ADAS for certification via the “crossover” process.
For internationally trained divers to meet the competency requirements of the AS/NZS 2299.1 Occupational diving operations standard, ADAS must ensure that an applicant’s international training is equivalent to ADAS certification levels. This includes meeting the prerequisites for each level of ADAS certification.
For ADAS Part 2 (SSBA to 30m) and Part 3 (SSBA to 50m), divers must have also completed Part 1 (SCUBA to 30m). This is specified in the AS/NZS 2815 series of training standards. International applicants applying from countries that allow the use of SSBA equipment without first training in the use of SCUBA equipment will need to demonstrate competence in both SSBA and SCUBA diving work to be eligible for an ADAS Part 2 or 3 certification.
More information about the crossover process, what international organisations ADAS has agreements in place with, and what internationally issued certifications equate to in ADAS, go to the International and Military Equivalents page on the ADAS website.