ADAS is excited to announce that our new Offshore Air Divers Task Book will be launched early 2025, and we share the latest updates on ADAS Activities.
ADAS Board of Directors Update May 2024
The ADAS Board of Directors recently welcomed Thomas Mayo to the Board, and farewelled Adrian Evans, who has been a member of the Board since 2021, and Peter Sieniewicz, who has been a Board member since 2018.
Thomas Mayo
The ADAS Board of Directors recently welcomed Thomas Mayo to the Board. Thomas takes the place of Adrian Evans as a representative of the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA). Adrian resigned from the Board in March 2024 and Thomas was elected in early April. In addition to being the MUA Assistant National Secretary, Thomas is also a very well-known advocate for Indigenous rights and recognition in Australia.
Adrian Evans
Adrian Evans took his position on the ADAS Board in conjunction with being appointed the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) Assistant National Secretary in March 2021. Adrian began his maritime career in 1991 as an apprentice mechanic before becoming an ITF inspector in 2007 and a union official in 2009. His extensive experience in safety and training, and his union expertise, were valued by the ADAS Board throughout his tenure. ADAS thanks Adrian for his contributions to the Board and wishes him well for his future ventures.
Peter Sieniewicz
Peter Sieniewicz from the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) retired from the ADAS Board of Director on 11th January 2024. Also retiring from IMCA in March 2024, Peter was a lead diving technical advisor for IMCA with many years of experience as a specialist diving inspector for the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) in the United Kingdom. Peter not only brought his Health and Safety expertise to the ADAS Board of Directors, but also his experience in research, legislation, diver training, project management and international experience as a member of the IMCA technical team. ADAS thanks Peter for his contributions to the Board and wishes him well for his future ventures.
You can read more about Thomas, and all current Directors, on the Board of Directors page of the ADAS website.