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The WHS Certificate course is currently undergoing maintenance and is temporarily unavailable. For course enquiries, please email us at


WHS Certificate Now Available

Course Overview

The ADAS WHS Certificate aims to provide skills and knowledge relevant to onshore diving work classified as “general diving” – that is, diving work not deemed “high risk” in nature.

Under the Model Work Health and Safety (WHS) Regulations (Part 4.8 Diving Work), diving is categorised as either “general diving” or “high risk diving”. All diving undertaken in the states/territories which have adopted the Model WHS Regulations will fall into one of these categories.

By completing the WHS Certificate you will gain valuable safety information to help protect you and the people you work with from preventable accidents and injuries when undertaking general diving work. It will also give you an understanding of your duty of care in the workplace and your legal requirements when operating as an occupational diver for onshore diving work.

Course Standards

This course is designed primarily for divers who hold a AS4005.2 qualification and wish to comply with the new requirements from SafeWork NSW.

Important note: Completion of this course alone does NOT ensure compliance with the State Regulations. This course is designed as an update to an existing diver qualification.

Student Prerequisites

There are no pre-requisites for enrolling in the WHS Certificate course. However, this course assumes students have undertaken recreational diver training and have some experience working as a general diver.  Assumed knowledge includes of the following:

  • Diving physics;
  • Diving physiology and illnesses

Students will have an opportunity to test their knowledge by undertaking the free ADAS online revision modules for these topics. This knowledge will be assessed in the final examination.


The following units of competency are completed:

  • NAT11006001 Work safely in hyperbaric operations
  • NAT11006005 Work safely as a member of a dive team undertaking diving operations under controlled conditions
  • BSBWHS211 Contribute to health and safety of self and others

Compliance with State Regulations

Successful completion of this course alone will not fulfil all requirements of State WHS Regulations for workers undertaking general diving. However, some regulatory authorities, such as SafeWork NSW, have identified that workers undertaking general diving must demonstrate competency in the three units delivered in this course to meet the requirements of the Regulations. The video below outlines the SafeWork NSW requirements.

Delivery & Assessment

This course is undertaken entirely online and is designed to be self-paced and self-directed. Assessment of the course includes in-course quizzes and a final exam which is invigilated remotely.

To enrol in the course, go to Enrolment fees are payable upon enrolment and are non-refundable.  Access to the WHS Certificate course is granted upon payment of $420 via the landing page of the course. The enrolment form contained within the WHS Certificate course must be completed upon entry to the course.

If you have any questions about the course or the enrolment process, please contact ADAS.

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