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Also See: International & Military Equivalents

Important Information

Before commencing your application please read the following instructions then start the application at the bottom of the page:
  • View the ADAS Conditions of Certification page
  • View the ADAS Certification Fees
  • Have electronic copies of your passport or suitable alternative and a passport style photo
  • Have electronic copies of your relevant documentation (see opposite)
  • Have your preferred payment option ready (credit card, PayPal, cheque, EFT transfer).

Australian Legislation

In addition to submitting an application and required documentation, applicants will also have to complete and submit an Australian Legislation module.

For most applications this is in the form of a short answer quiz.

The legislation information package and workbook can be downloaded and completed before you submit the application form.  You can type directly onto the quiz, or you can fill it in by hand and scan it as a PDF.

Offshore Supervisor and Life Support Technician applicants will have to complete a larger exam specific to offshore legislation. Applicants will be contacted about the exam once the application has been received and approved.  An offshore legislation information package is available for download to help you prepare for the exam.

The ADAS onshore and offshore legislation online revision courses may also assist you to prepare for the quiz or exam.  These courses include general legislation information and are a free service available to all ADAS and non-ADAS divers and supervisors.  You can find a link to the revision courses from the ADAS homepage.

NOTE: The form will take approximately 25-30 minutes to complete. The form can NOT be saved so please allow sufficient time and ensure that you have all your files to complete the process.

Application Details

Personal Identification

Provide a high quality electronic copy of the photo and identity page of your PassportIf you do not possess a passport, provide one of the following forms of photo ID: Driver’s Licence or National Identification Card.

Passport Style Photograph

Provide a high quality electronic copy of current COLOUR passport style photograph that has been taken in the last twelve (12) monthsEnsure your picture is sharp and in focus and has been taken against a light, neutral background. Please avoid a heavy or dark background colour.

Vocational Education and Training (VET) Qualifications

People who gain an ADAS certification via the crossover process will NOT be assessed to gain an Australian VET qualification (eg: Certificate IV or Diploma) as part of the crossover process.  Those applicants wishing to be considered for VET qualification should contact ADAS and receive further information about having their past experience recognised through a Recognition of Prior Learning process which can be conducted by an Australian Registered Training Organisation (RTO).

If you need to gain an Australian Certificate IV or Diploma for immigration purposes, please contact ADAS to discuss the best options available to you.

Qualification Details

National Certification

Provide a high quality electronic copy of the front and back of your valid National CertificationPlease note that at present ADAS only recognises certifications from the UK (HSE), Canada (DCBC), France (CAP, ENS, INPP), Norway (PSA), Netherlands (NDC) and South Africa (DOL). Certifications issued by the Australian and New Zealand Defence forces are also accepted.

ADAS will contact the issuer of your national certification for verification and validation, please ensure that your national certification is valid and meets all requirements of the issuing country.

Logbook Evidence

Provide electronic copies of your diver/supervisor logbook showing evidence that you have undertaken a minimum of 20 occupational dives/diving supervisions within the previous 24 months. Diver logs must show the name and signature of the diving supervisor, and supervisor logs must show a company stamp and supervisor signature.

There is additional logbook evidence required for Closed Bell (Part 4) crossover applicants, details are provided on the application form.

If you do not hold logbook evidence of your recent commercial diving experience, please contact ADAS for further advice.

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